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July 15, 1969
Letter from BSA member Rena Price to Winston R. Carroll regarding progress on recruitment and enrollment of Black students.
July 18, 1969
Correspondence between Assistant Director of Admission Winston R. Carroll and Sheryl Jones of the Black Student Alliance regarding BSA requests of the Office of Admissions.
August 8, 1969
Exchange between Rena Price, Winston Carroll, and representatives from other southern private schools on hiring a common Black recruiter.
Memo to Emory College Faculty from Chair of the Admissions and Scholarships Committee Ronald Johnson regarding admissions and financial aid policies regarding Black students.
October 21, 1969
Emory Wheel article reporting activities of the Student-Faculty Coalition with regard to Black student recruitment.

October 24, 1969
Emory Wheel editorial calling on Emory to fund scholarships that match the commitments its leaders made to support more Black students.

October 28, 1969
Emory Wheel interview with Marvin Arrington, who was hired as a liaison and advocate for Black students, about Emory’s admissions policies and practices.

October 31, 1969
Emory Wheel interview with interview SGA President Charles Haynes and Director of Admissions Burt Carroll regarding Emory’s recruiting of Black students.

November 4, 1969
Emory Wheel editorial about the lack of leadership from Emory’s administrators to increase Black recruitment and enrollment.

November 7, 1969
Emory Wheel article reporting on the concerns of the Student-Faculty Coalition.

November 10, 1969
Letter to President Atwood from Student Nurses’ Organization President Myra Kerr calling for efforts to increase Black enrollment.
November 11, 1969
Faculty resolution requesting Emory find funds to continue recruitment of Black students after loss of Rockefeller Grant.
November 18, 1969
Letter from R. A. Day and J. H. Goldstein to Professor White regarding increase in scholarship and enrollment focus on Black students.
November 21, 1969
Emory Wheel article reporting on two resolutions taken by Emory College Faculty regarding funds for scholarships and changes to admissions policies.

November 25, 1969
Faculty proposal for Special Program for the Recruitment and Admission of Additional Black Students to Emory College.
December 5, 1969
Memo to Faculty regarding the finalized Special Program for the Recruitment and Admission of Additional Black Students to Emory College.
December 5, 1969
Emory Wheel article reporting on President Atwood’s letter to the Board of Trustees requesting additional funds for Black Scholarships.

December 10, 1969
Resolution passed by College Council calling for higher recruitment and enrollment of Black students, funding.

January 10, 1970
Note from James Harvey Young to Henry Bowden in support of faculty vote to use replacement Rockefeller funds in support of campus diversity.
February 4, 1970
Open letter to the Emory College faculty from Marvin Arrington requesting provision for 20 Black students.
February 13, 1969
Exchange between Professor R.A. Day and Henry Bowden demonstrating mutual agreement not to support programs that allow for “special treatment” to protect Emory’s high academic standard.
February 26, 1970
Letter to Dean Stephens from President Atwood regarding Faculty meeting in which admissions for Black students was discussed.
April 1, 1970
Letter from Professor Mandell to President Atwood in support of allocating funds for Black students in post-graduate rather than undergraduate and Upward Bound programs.
April 6, 1970
Minutes of the Committee of Admissions and Scholarships of Emory College in which admissions procedures to increase Black student enrollment were discussed.