LEARN MOREProposal Progress
June 3, 1969
Correspondence following BSA meeting with President Atwood to identify areas of need and work on them with faculty and administrators.
July 17, 1969
Correspondence between Rena Price and President Atwood regarding an updated list of proposals from the Black Student Alliance.
July 24, 1969
Minutes from progress report meeting regarding requests from Black students.
July 29, 1969
Letter from Charles Haynes to President Atwood expressing need for movement on BSA requests and racism at Emory.

August 11, 1969
Notes from a meeting of University officials regarding progress on requests made by Black students.
August 13, 1969
Letter from Charles Haynes to President Atwood regarding frustration at administration’s speed at addressing racism at Emory.

August 20, 1969
Exchange between Rena Price and President Atwood regarding progress on BSA requests, advising of 12 students in areas of concern.
September 15, 1969
Statement from President Atwood to the University Faculty concerning updates on Black student issues since May convocation.
October 10, 1969
Emory Wheel article, “Institutions Ignore Basic Problems.” Published letter by Otis Turner pointing out that despite all the debate about admissions standards and unequal access to education, institutions have more basic issues to consider when thinking about why Black students do not enroll at Emory.

October 14, 1969
Emory Wheel article about luncheon at which progress on BSA demands were discussed.